Manufactured By :
Pajunk Gmbh, Germany
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Needles for Atraumatic Spinal Anaesthesia
With the introduction of the first atraumatic Sportte needle at the end of the 1970s, spinal anaesthesia was rehabilitated as a fully accepted alternative to general anaesthesia. A unique tip design is the secret of its success. Sprotte's atraumatic puncture and optimal gliding properties minimize possible injuries and prevent foreign bodies and tissue particles from being carried into the subarachnoid space, while reducing the incidence of post-dural puncture headache (PDPH).
Sprotte Overview
Sprotte Features & Advantages
1. Atraumatic Tip Design
2. Highest Processing Quality
3. Lateral Eye
4. Optimal Lateral Eye Size and Placement
5. Precision-Ground Metal Stylet
6. Standard Hub
7. Magnifying Hub
8. Colour-Coded Needle Hub with Size Indication
9. Introducer with Facet Tip
10. Portfolio Excellence
Manufactured by: M/s Pajunk GmbH