Manufactured By :
Tellyes Scientific, China
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BPSim module ( optional ) :
1 ) On the arm blood pressure measurement can be carried out with a real sphygmomanometer and stethoscope noninvasive blood pressure measurement ;
2 ) having a sound korotkoff Gap ;
3 ) mm Hg pressure display dynamic blood pressure value can be accurately set to 1 mm Hg ;
4 ) Help to set the systolic, diastolic and pulse rate , systolic and diastolic blood pressure between 0-300mmHg continuously adjustable ;
5) The volume can be adjusted depending on the circumstances ;
6 ) Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, volume and heart rate simultaneously displayed on the LCD screen, analog Hg dynamic display, the process can be visually represent the cuff pressure changes ;
7 ) Automatic calibration, low power consumption , standby 10 minutes after an automatic system shutdown , ordinary commercially available batteries can be used continuously for one semester or more ;
AUDSim module ( optional ) :
1 ) Total 54 kinds of sounds, voice 21 kinds ( such as: coughing , vomiting , sneezing , etc. ) , 14 kinds of heart sounds ( eg : normal heart sounds , sinus bradycardia, systolic murmur , etc. ) , breath sounds 13 kinds ( eg : normal alveolar breath sounds , the blisters , the coarse moist rales , etc. ) , abdominal sounds six kinds ( eg : normal bowel sounds , decreased bowel sounds , fetal heart tones , etc. ) ; sounds kind of unlimited expansion ;
2 ) graphical user interface visually , easy to operate ;
3 ) Rd sound can be played simultaneously , it can be any combination of the state of play and a corresponding prompt ; volume is divided into eight stalls , each individually adjustable ;
4 ) bilingual interface, large screen LCD ;
5 ) may be all external speakers can also connect headphones self- teaching , but also through the human body model extroverted ;
6) 5V DC power supply.